Waddlesdown Cross Picnic 27/5/21 DCC Exmouth 28/5/21

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As it was a lovely sunny day Gill & I took a picnic lunch, exploring the lanes in the Whitstone area. We spent an hour in Motortone, trying to keep the joints moving, before starting our ramble. We decided to revisit the lanes up to Waddles Down, as we knew the trees and hedges would  be alive with birdsong. Also the Spring flowers are fading, rapidly being replaced by the summer plants. After all the rain the last few weeks, everywhere is looking lush and green.

Lovely Devon countryside with Exmouth in the distance

It always amazes me the different shades of green, we see in the Devon hedgerow. Traveling on the buggies we are at a slow enough speed, to make these observations.

Me taking a photo of the views to the south of Rowthorne Road
View southeast of Rowthorne Road
View from our lunch stop at Waddles Down Cross

As well as listening to the small song birds in the trees and hedges, next to our lunch spot, at one point there was a Buzzard overhead being attacked by crows.

Gill enjoying her Waddlesdown Cross picnic
Me enjoying my Waddlesdown Cross picnic
Lovely display of Bluebells alongside Oldridge Road

The woods just beyond Pound Down Corner, were carpeted with Bluebells, which is one of my favourite sights in Spring.

Whitstone Church
An unusual hitchhiker on Gills hat
Final view of the Exe Estuary before we descended down the hill  to Nadder Bottom
Me approaching a Swan sat in a puddle on the grass near Exe Bridges

Exmouth Seafront Reconnoitre for Devon County Council

Today we met at the Exmouth Lifeboat Station for a reconnoitre of a route suitable for all types of mobility scooters. This was an organised walk. Our group consisted of 3 people on Power chairs, 4 on Mobility Scooters, accompanied by 5 walkers.  Two walkers who represented Devon County Council, and one who represented Southwest Coast Path Association.

Some of the group in Maer Park

We set off through Maer Park, then behind the Pavilion to Manor Gardens. Then the Strand to the Railway Station,  we then passed the Rugby Club on to Exmouth Harbour. From here we followed  the seafront back to the Lifeboat Station.

The group admiring the artwork on the back of the Ocean building

We were making notes of surface type / condition, accessing other paths and points of interest off the main route. Also looking at Cross gradients, lack of / or poorly maintained drop kerbs. We also looked at accessibility of Public Toilets, Cafes etc.

Arriving back at the Lifeboat Station

Because we had 7 people on 7 different types of buggies, we were able to highlight several minor issues. Simple things that Gill and I on our all terrain Trampers would not think of, poorly installed or lack of drop kerbs being the main issue on our route.

Group photo on Queens Drive Exmouth

The biggest bonus for me is the fact that it was the first time this year I actually felt warm out on a ramble. The 3 routes we have looked at with DCC, over the last 3 weeks will be listed on the Devon County Council website shortly.




Wheeled Access Group. Dartmoor WAGs

We now have a website for our Wheeled Access Group ( Dartmoor WAGs ).This is the link to the website. https://www.dartmoorwags.org There is a email


Tamar Trails 12/12/23

This week the WAG’s walk was held in the Tamar Vally, exploring the Tamar Trails and the Devon Great Consols Gulworthy. The mines started as