CRR at Heddon Valley 25/5/21

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A member of the Cornwall Rolling Ramblers asked if we would like to join them at Heddon Valley on Exmoor. As the weather forecast looked reasonable, we decided to go as its a long time since Gill and I were there. There were 5 of us on buggies accompanied by 3 walkers. After a delayed start we set off towards Woody Bay, in overcast but dry conditions.

The Hunters Inn which is owned by the National Trust in Heddon Valley
Me on one of several footpaths west of the Heddon Valley and south of Trentishoe

Gill and I decided to get there earlier than the agreed start time, as I wanted to have a quick look at the footpaths west of the valley. Within minutes of us unloading the buggies, the heavens opened. But luckily it was just a short passing shower. We had sunshine whilst we did the mini reconnoitre, it started to cloud over by time we got back to meet up with the group.

Me on one of several footpaths west of the Heddon Valley and south of Trentishoe
Gill climbing out of the Heddon Valley towards Woody Bay

The weather forecast said we should get the rain after 1600, by which time we would have finished our ramble. They were wrong!  The rain started about 1300, very light to start with, while we had our lunch in a spot where we were sheltered from the worst of the wind.

The group sat in the rain having our picnic lunch, at the point where Hill Brook passes under the Track
Looking west over Heddon Valley to the foreboding hill opposite. 

After lunch we made our way to the cliff top, where we were exposed to the full force wind and the rain was heavier. Due to the low cloud and rain there were no views to enjoy, so we decided to abandon the ramble and head back down to the car park. Although it is the last week in May, apart from the rain we were all feeling the cold. And that was with our normal extra layers we use in winter.

Some of the group starting the decent back down to the Heddon Valley














Some of the group further down the track
Almost back to where we stopped for lunch
Almost back to where we stopped for lunch

By time we got back to the car park, it was still heavy rain so we abandoned the plan of following the valley path to Heddons Mouth. So after loading the buggies we headed for home, horrible driving conditions. Gill and I phoned the Twisted Oak, booking a table for an early meal. It seemed strange going there, as its been over 6 months since we last ate there. Life is slowly getting some sort of normality, but I know we will be using our masks for quite awhile yet.


Wheeled Access Group. Dartmoor WAGs

We now have a website for our Wheeled Access Group ( Dartmoor WAGs ).This is the link to the website. There is a email


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