Lockdown on Local Patch19/1/21

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Due to the Covid restrictions, Gill and  I have tried to observe the rules. We tend to stick to the same six mile route, 3 or 4 times a week. From home we go to Exeter Quay, then along the canal to the Swing Bridge. Then back via Mill Lane and Salmon Pool Weir, back to the Quay and home.

Flood water on the Salmon Pool Weir
A Heron struggling to feed on the fast flowing Salmon Pool Weir

With the cold weather we find the 6 miles, which takes just over the hour, plenty long enough. We are starting to research heated clothing, aimed motorcyclists. The main concern is the drain on the batteries, but when is so cold we do not want to be doing long distances.

Water entering the Flood prevention channel at Trews Weir

We will be sticking to this route until the restrictions allow us to travel further afield. Because everybody is restricted, it can be difficult to social distance at times particularly around Exeter Quay. But we find that the majority try to be sensible.



Wheeled Access Group. Dartmoor WAGs

We now have a website for our Wheeled Access Group ( Dartmoor WAGs ).This is the link to the website. https://www.dartmoorwags.org There is a email


Tamar Trails 12/12/23

This week the WAG’s walk was held in the Tamar Vally, exploring the Tamar Trails and the Devon Great Consols Gulworthy. The mines started as