Stover Country Park 22/7/21

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Today Thursday, Gill and I went to Stover Country Park, to map out walks for my Website’s Accessible Walks. We did 2 Level one routes, and a longer Level 3 route. Although it was a very hot day, there was plenty shade courtesy of the trees for most of the time.

Looking for pond life on a small pond adjacent to Stover Lake
Couple of ducks resting out of the water
Bird feeder at the end of the arial walkway
Squirrels feeding on the ground below the bird feeder

There is an arial walkway in the canopy of the trees alongside the lake. With the bird feeder hanging from a tree at the end of the walkway.

Me on the cycle path that goes between Bovey Tracey and Teigngrace
View of Stover Lake

I have mapped 3 walks starting from the Rangers Office, one is 0.9 miles around the Lake. Another one around the Lake, and part of the cycle path with a distance of 1.3 miles. The third one was to Newton Abbot, alongside the Canal and railway line, with a distance of 9.7 miles.

One of the Bridges around the Lake
Another view of the Lake
The Track heading towards the Sawdust Fusiliers Memorial

We had a picnic salad for lunch, sat alongside the stream running under the bridge in the photo above.

Memorial to the Canadian Sawdust Fusiliers
Ventiford Basin where the Granite Tramway ended and the Stover Canal Started
Information Board at Ventiford Basin

The information board gives details of the journey of the granite, from the quarries around Haytor down to the port at Teignmouth.

One of the wagons used to carry the Granite
Gill on the cycle path near Teigngrace
Locks Bridge Tea Garden
Family of Swans on Stover Lake

We had a very enjoyable day, but very tiring being out in the very hot conditions.




Wheeled Access Group. Dartmoor WAGs

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