Sawdust Fusiliers & Stover Canal

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This route takes you out of the Country Park, so the path beyond the Park is a bit rougher.

Location : Stover

Starting Point : Outside the Rangers Office

OS Grid Reference : SX832750

Distance : 9.3 Miles

Route Surface : Asphalt, Stone Track

Category : Level 3

A mobility scooter is available for hire at this site through the Countryside Mobility Scheme.

There is a disabled toilet, but access with larger mobility scooters is difficult, if not impossible.

This route follows the Heritage Trail and Templer Way at various points. The Sawdust Fusiliers Memorial is signposted from the lake circular walk, taking you out of the Country Park towards Stover School. Once in Teigngrace I headed towards A38 to find access to the cycle path. As this avoids the two Five Bar Farm Gates, either side of the railway line on the path in the village.

Information Board at Ventiford Basin

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