Photos from Latest outings 11/4/21 & 13/4/21

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On Sunday 11th April Gill and I did a circuit in the lanes north west of Redhills. From the top of Redhills we went along Rowethorn Road, to the Waddles Down Radio transmitter. We then headed for home via Whitstone Church, Nadder Bottom and Nadderwater.

Looking east towards Exeter University
Looking north over the Creedy valley
Looking northwest to Crediton and the countryside beyond

Although it was a lovely sunny day, there was a bitter north wind. It was only when we stopped in a gateway, near the top of Waddles Down. Too enjoy the views north of Crediton, that we realised how much protection, we were getting from the good old Devon Hedges in the narrow lanes.

Looking southeast to Exmouth and the Exe Estuary

On Tuesday 13th April we met up with fellow WAGs members, at the Grand Western Canal. There were 7 mobility scooters, accompanied by 2 walkers. We set off from the Canal Basin in glorious sunshine, but within an hour it had clouded over. Despite it being cold we all enjoyed being out as a group, we naturally tend to spread out, so social distancing is not a problem.

Canal Basin Tiverton
Some of the group east of Tidcombe Bridge
Some of the group west of Manley Bridge
Some of the group approaching the boat moorings near East Manley Bridge
Information Board at the Aqueduct that is over the old railway line
Some of the boats at the East Manley moorings
Unusual shaped tree growing on the bank of the canal
2 ducks resting on the trunk of the above tree
Some of the group heading back towards Manley Bridge
Some of the group at Tidcome Bridge on the way back
A beautiful Magnolia in a garden alongside the canal




Wheeled Access Group. Dartmoor WAGs

We now have a website for our Wheeled Access Group ( Dartmoor WAGs ).This is the link to the website. There is a email


Tamar Trails 12/12/23

This week the WAG’s walk was held in the Tamar Vally, exploring the Tamar Trails and the Devon Great Consols Gulworthy. The mines started as