Foggintor & Swelltor Quarries

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On Tuesday we did a WAGs reconnoitre, for this years Dartmoor Walking Festival. From Princetown we set off along the old Railway line, to Foggingtor Quarry. We were hoping to access the Quarry, but the track was flooded and there was not a safe route round it. Therefore we had to settle with making our way, past the spoil heaps to the eastern edge of the Quarry.

Leaving Princetown with the Dartmoor Brewery in the background.

Today we had a small group, four on mobility scooters and two walkers. It was an overcast day with a strong cold wind, but it was dry.

The group on the railway track heading towards Foggintor Quarry and Kings Tor
Group making their way to the edge of the Quarry

Although it was overcast the visibility was very good so we were able to enjoy the views.

Group on eastern edge of Foggintor Quarry
Part of Foggingtor Quarry with King Tor in the background

As a result of the reconnoitre we have a couple of options for the walking festival depending how many turn up for the walk.

Part of Foggingtor Quarry with Great Mis Tor in the background
Some of the group on the edge of Foggingtor Quarry with Swelltor Quarry in the background
Me at Foggingtor Quarry with North Hessary Tor Television Transmitter in the background
Making our way towards Swelltor Quarry
Inspecting the Dynamite store at Swelltor Quarry
A small excavation south of Swelltor Quarry
Heading back to Princetown from Swelltor Quarry with North Hessary Tor Transmitter on the skyline

Where we can go around Swelltor Quarry is limited by the amount of rocks on some of the paths.

Heading back to Princetown from Swelltor Quarry

As usual Gill and I finished the day out with a meal at the Twisted Oak, before heading home.





Wheeled Access Group. Dartmoor WAGs

We now have a website for our Wheeled Access Group ( Dartmoor WAGs ).This is the link to the website. There is a email


Tamar Trails 12/12/23

This week the WAG’s walk was held in the Tamar Vally, exploring the Tamar Trails and the Devon Great Consols Gulworthy. The mines started as