Disabled Ramblers Day 3 and 4

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The Wednesday was a rest day, in the morning we ventured out from the hotel on our buggies. In the morning we visited Tihidy Country Park, exploring a section not covered by the next days Ramble. After lunch we visited a very good friend, sitting in the garden enjoying tea and lovely home made cake.

Day 3 Tihidy Country Park and Northcliffs

Today we met at Tihidy Country Park

Day 4 Gwithian Beach, Godrevy Point and The Knavacks

This is one of my favourite rambles, as we are able to get from the stoney track straight onto wet sand with the buggies.






Wheeled Access Group. Dartmoor WAGs

We now have a website for our Wheeled Access Group ( Dartmoor WAGs ).This is the link to the website. https://www.dartmoorwags.org There is a email


Tamar Trails 12/12/23

This week the WAG’s walk was held in the Tamar Vally, exploring the Tamar Trails and the Devon Great Consols Gulworthy. The mines started as