April Level One Ramble

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Today we met at Stover Country Park, for the April level one ramble. It was a good turn out, with 9 mobility scooters and 8 walkers. I will be regular level one walks, normally on the third Friday of the month.

The group meeting outside the Rangers office at Stover Country Park
Some of the group on the Western edge of the lake
On the tree canopy walkway watching the activity on the bird feeder with the Squirrels on the ground below

The Eastern side of the lake is a man made embankment, so the natural level of the woodland is a lot lower than the path. So they have put in a U shaped boardwalk, into the canopy with a bird feeder at the end.

Group discussion on the different route options
Robin checking out any chance of food when we stopped for lunch


Some of the group on the northern edge of the lake
Lunch stop on the way to the Sawdust Fusiliers Memorial

During the First World War Canadian lumberjacks were drafted into the army, called the Sawdust Fusiliers. One group were stationed at Stover Woods, with a memorial located near the School.

Sawdust Fusiliers Memorial

The track around the lake is a level one, but a short section of track out to the memorial is level two / three. So was pleasantly surprised that the two powerchairs, were able to get to the memorial, although one of scooters could not make it.

Giant Redwood alongside the track to the Sawdust Fusiliers Memorial
Inspecting the thick bark that protects them from damage in forest fires in their native California
Some of the group on our way back to the car park
Swan sitting on the nest

As usual Gill and I finished our day off with a meal at the Twisted Oak, with another good meal.



Wheeled Access Group. Dartmoor WAGs

We now have a website for our Wheeled Access Group ( Dartmoor WAGs ).This is the link to the website. https://www.dartmoorwags.org There is a email


Tamar Trails 12/12/23

This week the WAG’s walk was held in the Tamar Vally, exploring the Tamar Trails and the Devon Great Consols Gulworthy. The mines started as